Do not underestimate a moment of your kindness.
It has the power to change lives in ways you may never know.
~ Unknown
It has the power to change lives in ways you may never know.
~ Unknown
Thank You
So very many have helped & encouraged me in my creative journey. For that I am far beyond immensely grateful! I wish to take a moment to thank you. I have created a page just for you guys. Many thanks for the roll you have played in my life!
In no real particular order past the first two:
In no real particular order past the first two:
You gave me this incredible gift. I don't know why you chose ME, but I am truly thankful for it. I hope to make you proud & to use it to bring you glory.
You have done so much! From letting me be crazy creative when I was wee little, to being there for me in triumph & tears. You have supported me more than anyone could imagine. THANK YOU. No one could ask for more.
Even though you don't always understand it, you have passively supported my career. Thank you for BF & my beautiful workroom.
Kathleen Moody
Thank you for putting up with the many questions & requests for critiques! Without you, I would never have come as far as I have!
Chris Nandel Flint
Thank you for sharing your knowledge of oil painting! Because of you I know how to paint!
Maggie Bennett Jenner
You were the one to urged me to try sculpting in epoxy, for which I am forever grateful! You also forewarned that "It's hard, hard work." But encouraged me nonetheless to follow my dream.
Laurel Dedes
You have been a great support, willing to help me 'get out there' as much as possible. Even going so far as to add a page to your own site for me before I had one of my own, & then encouraging & helping me build THIS one!! Also for giving me a crash course in how to pack & ship when I was just starting. & for helping me out on my first offers. Not to mention that you are my go to person with any real life horse question. You are AWESOME!
Corina Roberts
Always supportive with praise for any of my creations. A fierce friend who I don't deserve. Also willing to put up with my scheme of shipping an Aggie out to your show!
Deb & Randy Buckler
Deb, there is no doubt that I would not have come this far without your help! You put up with soooooooo many questions when I broke into the AR world! It was like standing over a pool, about to jump in, but not having the foggiest idea how deep it may be. THANK YOU.
Randy, even though we have never spoke a word to each other, thank you so much for your incredible work. My ARs are always gorgeous!
Thank you both for always trying your hardest to help, not only me, but anyone! You two are the salt of the Earth.
Randy, even though we have never spoke a word to each other, thank you so much for your incredible work. My ARs are always gorgeous!
Thank you both for always trying your hardest to help, not only me, but anyone! You two are the salt of the Earth.
Angela B.
All those years ago, thank you for getting me into the photo show scene. In recent years, thanks for being my live show buddy! In the model horse world, thank you for always being my cheering section!
Janet K.
You always believed in me & loved & still love anything I create.
Mary Sue Barnum
Thank you for encouraging me to have my first AR molded. & for putting up with many questions about spray finish when I was trying to figure it out. You always drooled over anything I brought to shows. You will be missed my friend.
Robin L.
You have always been supportive & never ever thought I was anything less than the best in the world.
You were always amazed at my creations. I can only wonder what you would think of them now.
Chesna W. & Chunk W.
Thank you two for having been willing to tote my ponies around to shows! & for taking Honey down to BF!!
Kati S.
Even though our five year friendship ended over four months silence & different views, I thank you for the treasured memories & wish you well.
Kim Prosek
Thank you for being my model horse artist friend! It takes one to understand what goes through our minds & to truly sympathize with it!
To all my non-model horse friends
Who put up with my bringing a pocket full of model horse to show off whenever we get together or spam you with pictures of horse figurines!
Alayna G.
Thank you for inviting me down to BF, for becoming a good friend, & introducing me to Laura!
Laura M.
Thank you for being such a true friend & fellow art buddy!
Carl S.
My awesome ferrier who lets me ask him tons of questions & help me understand hooves & shoeing!
The folks of the Resins By Randy yahoo group
Who were always AWESOME when I posted pictures of a WIP OS asking their opinions! Aggie is your horse guys!
The Model Equine Photo Shower's Assn.
An incredible bunch of people who have shaped my model horse journey.
Kim J.
For being so kind to me when I have had tack making or doll CMing questions! You are awesome!
Omar M.
For being kind enough to help me figure out the business end of ARs & time payments.
Marie J. S. Phillips
For letting me ask a bunch of questions when I was trying to lay out my policies!
Jen & Tom Olp
For being so willing to try molding/casting pewter for MMs. & for being encouraging in my search to find a pewter when the endeavor turned out to be more than you were willing to take on.
To all the artists who share
To all the artists who are gracious enough to share their tips & tricks to the internet. You are wonderful! I have learned a lot from you!
Rachel F.
The awesome library tech lady who helped me more than I can say in the digital realm!!! Thank you for helping me replace my dying computer, & for helping me set up PP!! You are such a blessing!!!!