First step of roany pony initiated! Bye bye bay. A thin layer of "white" (actually kind of a grey-brown color) layered over to start the roaning process.
I also started Ruffles. Trying something off the wall for him. I smudged three different shades of brown unevenly right over grey primer. I have a vague idea of what I'm doing, but I have no idea what I'm doing, lol. We'll see if what I have in mind works. Heza Peppy Potater, aka Tater, Trad Au Gratin version, & Venti Ruffles version respectively, both sculpted by Rayvin Maddock, @khrysalis_studios @namopaimo #NaMoPaiMo #NaMoPaiMo2025 #nationalmodelpaintingmonth #traditionalscale #traditionalmodelhorse #modelhorse #modelhorses #horsemodel #resin #artistresin #AR #artistresinmodelhorse #resinhorse #resinmodelhorse #modelhorsesofinstagram #resinhorsesofinstagram
Documenting for posterity. I'm gonna miss this bay! 😆 Absolutely nothing has been changed on him from the last picture I posted, except for I sprayed him with Rust Oleum matte finish, & took a picture during the daylight. Roaning next!
Also, any suggestions for a color for this Westley medallion? Rayven gifted him to me (thank you! 💜). I think he's an ASB, or Morgan? Trad Heza Peppy Potater, aka Tater, Au Gratin version, & Westley medallion respectively, both sculpted by Rayvin Maddock, @khrysalis_studios @namopaimo #NaMoPaiMo #NaMoPaiMo2025 #nationalmodelpaintingmonth #traditionalscale #traditionalmodelhorse #modelhorse #modelhorses #horsemodel #resin #artistresin #AR #artistresinmodelhorse #resinhorse #resinmodelhorse #modelhorsesofinstagram #resinhorsesofinstagram Not a very exciting update on my NaMo victim, but I swear, he HAS had work done! Mostly to his face, his light areas, & a wee bit to his shading, it's just not really visible in my pic. & also not as pretty since he's not all oiled out. I'm really loving how this bay is turning out though! I *think* I might be ready to start roaning him! Or at least very very close!
Also! My wayward Ruffles finally landed for real on Tuesday! All safe & sound too. Gosh he's cute! I know exactly what appy color I want to paint him as, since I had planned to do him for NaMo. Maybe I'll be silly & see if I can do him too. ...🤣🤪 Heza Peppy Potater, aka Tater, Trad Au Gratin version, & Venti Ruffles version respectively, both sculpted by Rayvin Maddock, @khrysalis_studios @namopaimo #NaMoPaiMo #NaMoPaiMo2025 #nationalmodelpaintingmonth #traditionalscale #traditionalmodelhorse #modelhorse #modelhorses #horsemodel #resin #artistresin #AR #artistresinmodelhorse #resinhorse #resinmodelhorse #modelhorsesofinstagram #resinhorsesofinstagram Day three of NaMo. Au Gratin got a layer of Tester's, a good oiling out, & some more shading & wee bit of highlighting. He looks so much more chocolaty in person! His older brother, Cowboy version Tater, got some work too; he's been neglected for months.
AND their little bother, Ruffles, has shown back up on tracking after 9 days MIA. He got as close as getting TO my PO today, & then bounced back up to the town just north of mine. Hopefully he'll actually land tomorrow. I'm just glad he's back on the radar again! Trad Heza Peppy Potater, aka Tater, Au Gratin version, & Cowboy version respectively, both sculpted by Rayvin Maddock, @khrysalis_studios @namopaimo #NaMoPaiMo #NaMoPaiMo2025 #nationalmodelpaintingmonth #traditionalscale #traditionalmodelhorse #modelhorse #modelhorses #horsemodel #resin #artistresin #AR #artistresinmodelhorse #resinhorse #resinmodelhorse #modelhorsesofinstagram #resinhorsesofinstagram Stopping point for day one of NaMoPaiMo. I'm pretty happy with where he's going, & I could totally keep fiddling with it today, but if I don't stop now, I'll be up til 2 or 3 working on him!
(2nd pic is of his bare primer, which I used as his base color.) Trad Heza Peppy Potater, aka Tater, Au Gratin version, sculpted by Rayvin Maddock, @khrysalis_studios @namopaimo #NaMoPaiMo #NaMoPaiMo2025 #nationalmodelpaintingmonth #traditionalscale #traditionalmodelhorse #modelhorse #modelhorses #horsemodel #resin #artistresin #AR #artistresinmodelhorse #resinhorse #resinmodelhorse #modelhorsesofinstagram #resinhorsesofinstagram Oh my, it's the 11th hour for registering for NaMo already! How'd that happen?! I'd planned to paint my Venti Ruffles, but he is apparently taking his sweet ol time in the PO. Hopefully he shows up at some point! In the meantime, his big brother, Au Gratin, will take the lead for NaMo. I'm planning a bay roan with blue eyes, & whites TBD. Let's see how far I get in 28 days...
To my fellow painters, good luck everyone! @namopaimo @khrysalis_studios #NaMoPaiMoselfie #NaMoPaiMo #NaMoPaiMo2025 #nationalmodelpaintingmonth #traditionalscale #traditionalmodelhorse #modelhorse #modelhorses #horsemodel #resin #artistresin #AR #artistresinmodelhorse #resinhorse #resinmodelhorse #modelhorsesofinstagram #resinhorsesofinstagram Today, the 1st of June, is World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day. Something that is currently exceptionally close to my heart, as I watch a dear friend in an abusive relationship. If you, woman or man (fellas, I see you too), are in an abusive relationship, physically, emotionally, verbally, mentally, s*xually, controlling, demeaning, manipulative, or other, be it marriage, BF/GF, friendship, or other, PLEASE know that ✨YOU✨ are worth fighting for & that there are people who love & care deeply about you & will help you, even if you aren't able to see it right now. Please know that you are so valuable, & that you deserve a life free from this abuse, a life of healing & peace. Take whatever action you need to to keep yourself safe, & to get out of this situation, even though taking that action is beyond scary on so many levels. I am rooting for you! You can, & will, make it my dear! 💜💜💜
For everyone, I encourage you to learn about narcissism; What was a casual interest for me has wound up saving my bacon over the last two+ months. Youtube is a great resource. Here are a few of my favorite channels: shrink4men SurvivingNarcissism kennyweiss danielleradinmmj Kris_Reece LiseLeblanc TamieMJoyce NixTheNarcissist DoctorRamani narcabusecoach MentalHealness RawMotivations RebeccaZungEsq CommonEgo FromSurvivingToThriving ShaneenMegji TheRoyalWe Photo features Cowboy version Tater, by @khrysalis_studios , WIP in acrylic base coat. He has a personal sentimental connection to me to my friend. #modelhorse #modelhorses #horsemodel #artistresin #AR #artistresinmodelhorse #resinhorse #resinhorsesofinstagram #modelhorsesofinstagram #modelhorseofinstagram |
AuthorRamblings & occasional tutorials of a model horse artist. ArchivesCategories |